
Auream Energy Ltd

Auream Energy Ltd were established in 2013 in Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom, with the express purpose of bringing renewable energy technologies to homeowners and small businesses to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. Using our many years of expertise in this market we have designed strategies and architectures to ensure that whatever your energy ambitions we have a solution for you.

Value Proposition

We offer a bespoke consulting service to understand your current and future energy needs, and overlay an energy strategy that compliments your ambitions. With a well-designed system we are able to provide your energy for free (from sunk investment) or at the lowest cost per MWh, currently £70. Therefore the savings that can be made are staggering and out photovoltaic systems typically have a lifetime of 30 years.

Whilst the systems we design and install could never be considered budget, we ensure that we are always using the highest quality, most durable equipment to ensure the continued functioning and efficiency of your system, which is fully monitored and comes complete with active management options to ensure you always have the lowest possible cost of energy.

If you are interested in starting your journey to sustainability please visit our portal to log your request for one of our high quality systems here